News by Tag: Mobile App Development

Appinventiv on 2nd Position in the CIO Review's 2018 Most Promising Mobile Application Solutions Providers List
July 11, 2018
Appinventiv Scored Rank 2 in Most Promising Mobile App Solution Providers 2018 List by CIO Review
Shopping experience can be taken to a next level with OpenXcell's mCommerce app development services
March 30, 2013
With an increasing use of mobiles these days, online merchants can now take advantage of mCommerce apps developed by mobile app and e-commerce experts like OpenXcell.
OpenXcell is one of the best companies to develop enterprise mobile app
March 29, 2013
With the availability of features like iCloud, push notifications, LTE, Cloud Storage, CDNs etc mobiles are no longer just a medium of voice communication.
Modern Media Solution to Offer a Wide Variety of B2B Services
March 22, 2013
Modern Media Solution now offers a wide variety of B2B services. It is always vital for businesses to be visible online.
Mobile app development driven ecosystem is important and hence overestimating Samsung over Apple will not be wise
March 20, 2013
With every Smartphone launch from Samsung, it is not really putting the final nail in the coffin of Apple.
Five Steps to the Perfect App
March 14, 2013
The clamor around apps is hitting the roof with a zillion mobile apps doing the rounds on various stores. But how many of these manage to even pave their way through, let alone make a killing.
With technical upgrades, mobile app development is ready for an overhaul
March 12, 2013
The forthcoming technology in SGS4 seems to be fascinating. However to keep the flagship devices on top along with carrying low end device users, there is a segregation in app development pattern.
Android app development is optimistic of the big screen wave
March 8, 2013
With more and more big screen devices, there can be better experience along with creative ad offering.
With evolving specs, mobile app development is hopeful to see a boost in app development
March 6, 2013
The flagship devices are adding up new features every year which inspire the app development community. Read more!
iPhone app development and the Apple ecosystem can be benefited by a cheap iPhone
March 5, 2013
With overwhelming numbers of users turning to android, the mass of the iOS ecosystem is threatened. Read as to how a cheap iPhone can help.
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