Spain News - Page 5

Spain News Feed

Castilla-La Mancha has Shown the Quality of Our Oils and Cheeses to Over 40 Million Potential Customers in the Persian Gulf
March 11, 2013
This trade mission has involved the Departments of Employment and the Economy and Agriculture
We Must Continue to Help the Self-Employed because they are the Real Economy of Castilla-La Mancha
March 11, 2013
Both leaders agreed on the importance of actions to hiring incentive being carried out in recent weeks
The Leading Brands of Spain Forum Unveils the Atlas of Leading Spanish Brands
March 9, 2013
This illustrates the global presence of the Spain's 139 most international brands
Singapore Hosts the First South East Asian Edition of Fundacion Real Madrid's Campus Experience
March 8, 2013
Fundacion Real Madrid's Campus Experience is coming to Southeast Asia for the very first time, and Singapore will be the host country of the one of the world's most successful sports and education vacation programmes.
Compra los productos de cocina de calidad online de Claudia y Julia
March 8, 2013
El comunicado de prensa está escrito para informarle sobre los artículos de cocina de calidad
The Government Supports All Initiatives of Small Towns because they are the Most Important Cocial Base of Castilla La Mancha
March 7, 2013
Highlights the potential of language tourism in the towns of the heart of La Mancha, The tenacity of our municipalities SMEs contribute to improving the economy of the region and settle the population
The Harbour Club Aparthotel Duquesa - we sell comfort
March 6, 2013
Many of the hotel owners have given life top this concept of a home away from your home. One of these hotels is The Harbour Club in Spain.
Telefonica and Gas Natural Fenosa are the Most Admired Spanish Companies
March 6, 2013
The two companies appear on the list of the world's most highly-regarded companies produced by the American magazine Fortune. The league table is headed by Apple.
Vicente Del Bosque Highlights how Sports have Contributed to the Marca Espana
March 5, 2013
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, José Manuel García-Margallo, says the Marca España is "very strong" and that sport is helping to boost it still further.
Our Wine and Food Products are Distinct Elements of Culinary Tourism
March 5, 2013
The Minister of Employment and Economy of Castilla-La Mancha, Carmen Home, said that our wine and food products are distinct elements of culinary tourism.
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