Cri-report -Building-Integrated Photovoltaics Markets - 2012

The analyst has been covering the BIPV market now for more than six years and has published numerous industry analysis reports in this space.
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shanghai, China ( October 30, 2012 - (CRI-report) -Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) represents the merging of the building materials and solar panel business, with the "integration" part of the equation implying everything from novel forms of attachment to a building through to full-scale monolithic integration of PV layers into a tile or window.

The analyst has been covering the BIPV market now for more than six years and has published numerous industry analysis reports in this space. We believe that BIPV will prove to be a pathway to creating far larger addressable markets for PV in the future. The BIPV concept will also enable the solar panel industry to create products with higher value added and wider profit margins than the now highly commoditized conventional panels.

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In this eight-year market forecast report, The analyst brings together all of our industry analysis to paint a complete quantitative picture of where the BIPV industry is today and where it is headed in the next eight years. The report covers the BIPV roof, BIPV wall and BIPV glass categories and all of the products that make them up; twelve different BIPV products. Projections are also provided for BIPV products with breakouts by the type of building into which they are sold, the region of the world into which they are sold, and the types of materials that they use.


Chapter One: Forecasting Assumptions and Methodology
1.1 Background to this Report
1.1.1 Definition of BIPV
1.2 General Forecasting Philosophy
1.3 Macroeconomic and Regulatory Assumptions
1.4 Pricing Assumptions and Units of Measurement
1.5 Sources of Information
1.6 Alternative Scenarios
1.7 Scope and Limitations of this Report

Chapter Two: Eight-Year Forecasts of BIPV Products by Type
2.1 Forecast of BIPV as Share of Total PV Market
2.2 Forecast of Non-Glass BIPV Roofing Markets
2.2.1 Roofing Overlay/BAPV Forecast: Shipment Volumes, Market Value and Materials Used
2.2.2 Forecast of Other Rigid BIPV Roofing Products: Shipment Volumes, Market Value and Materials Used
2.2.3 Forecasts of Flexible BIPV Roofing Products: Shipment Volumes, Market Value and Materials Used
2.2.4 Forecasts Monolithically Integrated BIPV Roofing Products: Shipment Volumes, Market Value and Materials Used
2.2.5 Summary of BIPV Roofing Forecasts by Product
2.3 Forecast of BIPV Wall Markets
2.3.1 Forecast of Wall-Attached PV: Shipment Volumes, Market Value and Materials Used
2.3.2 Forecast of Roofing BIPV Repurposed for Wall Applications: Shipment Volumes, Market Value and Materials Used
2.3.3 Forecasts of Dedicated BIPV Siding: Shipment Volumes, Market Value and Materials Used
2.3.4 Forecasts of BIPV Curtain Walls: Shipment Volumes, Market Value and Materials Used
2.3.5 Summary of BIPV Walling Forecasts by Product
2.4 BIPV Glass
2.4.1 Forecast of BIPV Glass by Type PV Technology Used
2.4.2 Forecast of BIPV Glass by Area Shipped
2.4.3 Forecast of BIPV Glass by Revenues
2.4.4 Forecast of BIPV Glass by Type of Product
2.5 Summary of BIPV Industry Revenues by Product Type

Chapter Three: Eight-Year Forecasts of BIPV Products by End User Markets
3.1 BIPV: Types of End User Markets
3.2 Forecast of BIPV Revenues by Type of Building
3.2.1 Forecast BIPV Revenues from "Prestige" Buildings: Type of BIPV Products Used
3.2.2 Forecast of BIPV Revenues from Other Commercial and Governmental Buildings: Type of BIPV Products Used
3.2.3 Forecast of BIPV Revenues from Industrial Buildings: Type of BIPV Products Used
3.2.4 Forecast of BIPV Revenues from Residential Buildings: Type of BIPV Products Used
3.2.5 Summary of Forecasts by Type of Building
3.3 Forecast of BIPV by Retrofit versus New Construction: By Type of BIPV Product
3.3.1 BIPV Roofing Considerations
3.3.2 BIPV Glass Considerations
3.4 Forecasts of BIPV Roofing by Region: By Type of BIPV Product

Chapter Four: Eight-Year Forecasts of BIPV Products by Major Materials Used
4.1 Forecast of Absorber Materials
4.1.1 Crystalline Silicon BIPV: By Type of BIPV Product
4.1.2 Thin-Film Silicon BIPV: By Type of BIPV Product
4.1.3 CdTe BIPV: By Type of BIPV Product
4.1.4 CIGS BIPV: By Type of BIPV Product
4.1.5 OPV/DSC BIPV: By Type of BIPV Product
4.2 Encapsulation Materials for BIPV Panels

Acronyms and Abbreviations Used In this Report
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Tag Words: bipv industry, shipment volume, market forecast, pv, profit margins, value added, industry analysis, solar panel, building materials, market value, ex
Categories: Business

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