Cri-report -Advanced Glazing Systems Markets - 2012

In this new report, the analyst has identified where these opportunities can be found and how much they will be worth. The report covers the full range of high-performance windows systems that provide thermal, visual and IR management using the lates
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shanghai, China ( October 28, 2012 - (CRI-report) -According to building engineers, backed up by the evidence of infrared photography, the vast majority of energy loss in buildings is through windows. In an era of rising real energy prices and uncertainties about future energy, the analyst believes that a fast growing market for advanced glazing systems can be expected and that this will create profitable business opportunities for a wide variety of companies. In this new report, the analyst has identified where these opportunities can be found and how much they will be worth. The report covers the full range of high-performance windows systems that provide thermal, visual and IR management using the latest materials:

Full report:

In this report, firms in the windows/glazing industry will find a comprehensive product roadmap for advanced glazing systems showing how windows products will evolve from the latest generation of highly insulated windows, through the incorporation of various dynamic glass (aka smart windows) technologies, and then on to systems with embedded solar and lighting functionality. Included in the analysis in this report is an examination of some of the high performance insulated windows and dynamic glass windows products that are already on the market.

Because of the huge potential addressable market for high-tech windows and the fact that they are likely to use novel materials, this report also includes a comprehensive discussion and forecast of how materials needs will change in the glazing systems market over the next eight years and how materials and chemical firms can benefit from these changes. Among the materials covered will be smart materials, photoactive materials, glasses, plastics, framing materials, sealants, gasses, desiccants, etc.

The analyst also believes that this report will also be of considerable interest to both the solar panel industry and the solid-state lighting industry. Firms active in these industries will learn from this report how they can tap into the expected rapid growth of advanced glazing systems. In particular, we show how new opportunities will emerge for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) companies and OLED firms to make money by implanting PV and lighting layers into high-performance windows products

This report will also bring considerable insights to corporate planners throughout the building products and construction industries as well as architects and sophisticated investors. As with all other reports, this report contains detailed eight-year forecasts of the markets analyzed in this report in both value ($ millions) and volume (area) terms. Forecast breakouts are by end-user type, technology, materials used and geography. In addition, the report contains a thorough analysis of the product/market strategies of the leading firms currently active in the advanced glazing space. And both giant firms - such as Alcoa, Saint-Gobain and Bayer - and the latest startups are included in the coverage.

Full report:


Tag Words: market resea, rapid growth, solar panel industry, market forecast, potential market, dynamic glass, advanced glazing systems
Categories: Business

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