Vision Without Glasses

There are more exercises, but start with this, practice for at least 3 or 4 weeks, ideally you will practice the next 3 or 4 years
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texas, Trinidad And Tobago ( October 26, 2012 - To improve eyesight or keep it in good condition, it is important to also exercise the muscles that move the eyes.

The eye is surrounded by six muscles, which allow you to move and stabilize the eyes, this means we can keep these muscles in good condition by performing certain movements that seek to stimulate and basically eye muscles have 3 things:

Force, to generate the full range of movement we need in everyday life, without feeling tired eyes,
Relaxation, to prevent tension in these muscles generate tension in the area of ​​the eye, and thus affect the quality of sight,
Coordination, giving our eyes, precisely to move, and these movements with accurate, appropriate approach (see exercises iris and pupil)

Therefore it is important to exercise the eyes, there are many different eye exercises, we will gradually see them, then I'll show you a simple exercise, but if you start to apply it daily, you will notice improvement in your vision within 3 to 4 weeks.

The exercise consists of: vision without glasses

Sit in a comfortable position,
Keep your head still all the time (just going to move the eyeball)
Begin to move your eyes up and down as looking at the ceiling and onto the floor, repeated 8 to 10 times,
Then close your eyes and blinks a moment,
Now take your eyes move towards your right and left, alternating 8-10 times
Then flashes again, or close your eyes for a moment,
Repeat this sequence 2 or 3 times every day, it will take only two minutes to make these sequences 2 or 3 times.

There are more exercises, but start with this, practice for at least 3 or 4 weeks, ideally you will practice the next 3 or 4 years, but you need to create eh habit, and that you're going to create in those 3 or 4 weeks early .

Think if it is worth spending those minutes to do something for your view, what would it mean to you to improve your eyesight? How would you feel? I invite you to take an active role in caring for your eyes, not just wait for time to pass and your vision to deteriorate.


Tag Words: vision without glasses
Categories: Health

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