Cri-report -South Africa Water Purifier Market Forecast and Opportunities, 2017

In many provinces of South Africa, water demand exceeds local water supply and quantity is the not the lone cause of concern.
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Shanghai, WV ( October 18, 2012 - (CRi-report) -In many provinces of South Africa, water demand exceeds local water supply and quantity is the

not the lone cause of concern. The quality of drinking water supplied to majority of households in South

Africa is also below the WHO recommended standards for safe drinking water. The situation of the rural

population is graver than that of the urban population, with more than 5 Million people lacking access to

safe drinking water in rural areas of the country which has given rise to the demand for water purifiers in

South Africa.

According to 'South Africa Water Purifier Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2017' the water purifier market

in South Africa is in its nascent stage and is expected to grow tremendously in the coming years. The water

purifier sales in South Africa have recorded compounded annual growth of more than 30% from 2007 till 2011

period. The market is strongly driven by increasing per capita income and increasing health consciousness

amongst the population. The rising water borne diseases in the country is encouraging people to buy water

purifiers. 'South Africa Water Purifier Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2017' discusses the following

aspects related to water purifiers market in South Africa:

Full report:

? Residential Water Purifier Market Size, Share & Forecast
? Counter Top, Under Counter and Portable Water Purifier Market Forecasts
? South Africa Water Purifier Regional Market Analysis
? Market Trends, Developments and Opportunities
? Competitive Landscape & Strategic Recommendations

Why You Should Buy This Report

? To gain an in-depth understanding of water purifier market dynamics in South Africa
? To identify the on-going trends and anticipated growth in the coming years
? To help industry consultants, water purifier manufacturers and other stakeholders to align their market-

centric strategies
? To obtain research based business decision and add weight to presentations and marketing materials
? To gain competitive knowledge of leading players
? To avail 10% customization in the report without any extra charges and get the research data or trends

added in the report as per the buyer's specific needs

Report Methodology

The information contained in this report is based upon both primary and secondary sources. Primary research

included interviews with water purifier manufacturers, channel partners, and consumers. Secondary research

included an exhaustive search of more than 3000 paid databases such as newspapers, websites, company annual

reports and proprietary databases.

Full report:


Tag Words: market research, strategic recommendations, growth opportunities, market forecast, water borne diseases, water quality, south africa, water purifier
Categories: Business

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