Carb Backloading

After delivery the tissues relax suddenly. The skin appears loose and often appear stretch marks. With the passage of time the situation improves. As the abdominal muscles regain tone, the belly tends to fall.
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tewxas, Trinidad And Tobago ( October 12, 2012 - The relaxation of the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the abdominal region is a common condition in men than in women after the age of forty, and often sooner. Especially in women who have had one or more pregnancies, or those who have lost weight quickly, without accompanying diet exercise aimed at toning the tissues and muscles of the abdomen. An incorrect lifestyle, a diet low in protein and high in carbohydrates and lack of exercise are the main causes of the relaxation of the abdominal wall. Let's find out what to do ...

When the stomach loses firmness. Here are the causes

The accumulation of fat in the abdomen (the classic "bacon") around the waist creates a kind of jacket of fat and water retention: it is a conformation in which the arms and legs remain often look completely normal.

Because it occurs

* Before the age of twenty cases are overweight, the rapid body growth and the transition to adolescence. Hormonal imbalances destabilize the production of elastin and collagen, the protein responsible for skin elasticity, and this causes rifts in the dermis presenting with abdominal flaccidity.

* After delivery the tissues relax suddenly. The skin appears loose and often appear stretch marks. With the passage of time the situation improves. As the abdominal muscles regain tone, the belly tends to fall.

* With menopause estrogen collapse, metabolism slows down and accumulates fat more easily. Especially in the abdomen.

* For all age groups the diet low in protein and high in carbohydrates, lack of exercise, losing weight too fast, but also it sit for too many consecutive hours (the wrong posture relaxes the abdominal muscles and creates the inevitable roll), are all causes of abdomen a little tonic and / or swollen.


Tag Words: carb backloading
Categories: Health

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