Online Dating Tips from Founder of SuperTova
Supertova founder unveils secret dating tips to help singles achieve more success. These tips will help veterans or rookies to obtain more results.

Founder, Justin Corsa, from, the largest free Jewish singles dating website in the world, has shared quite a few tips to engage singles with respect to more success online.
Most basic approach is being organized and willing to work the profiles daily. The first rule of thumb is to know exactly what you are looking for. Have several filter search ideas in place. For example, if you are seeking singles based on appearance (whether it be height, weight, race, etc.) within a certain mile radius, target those profiles exclusively. Contact the most active ones first (including the ones without photos). Don't get too caught up with Instant Messenger, this isn't social networking; this is dating. Especially, if trying to contact a woman, most of the time they don't want to get assaulted by thousands of instant messages. Most of the women will naturally ignore those, as they need time to review your profile in order to decide if they should respond. Take your basic template, and modify it to fit the information in their profile, by asking questions. If you ask questions, based on what's in their profile, you are allowing them to respond with answers. It also gives the recipient knowledge that you actually read their profile. Further, it gives them an easier means to communicate back to you by simply answering your questions. Questions give alerts that you are sincerely interested in knowing more about them. If you're a male, never send a female a one sentence message. Most likely, it will not yield a response. Once you are familiar with that step, be sure to send messages in the same manner to approximately 5 different people per day for 2 weeks straight. If you follow the step by sending to 1 or 2 different people, you will not yield enough results. Five people per day for 2 weeks straight. By the end of 2 weeks, you will have a pipeline of several singles. Focus exclusively on the pipeline you created. At this point, after focusing on the singles in your pipeline, begin booking dates. You should have at least 2 dates booked, if not more.
Get real: Focus on the singles scene that is suitable for you. For example, if you are 58 yrs. old male, stop focusing your energy on 18 yrs. olds. You will be wasting your time. It will never happen, unless you are communicating with a spam bot. If you have no chance with a super model, stop what you are doing. Go for the ones that will most likely share 'mutual' interest.
It's ok to contact people without photos. If you get into communication with a person without a photo, it's not like you are going to go on a 'blind date'. There is light at the end of the tunnel.. You will, most likely, ask for photos prior to meeting. If the person's photos are not what you expected, and you are not physically attracted, so what? Move on. No loss, because if you are working the system correctly, you will have others in your pipeline. You will experience 'fall out' but it will not matter because the pipeline you built will eventually suffice into a good match.
Never expect to get a response back from everyone. It is physically impossible, and only logical. Not everyone will be interested. That is a fact. So, build your pipe, experience fall out, and concentrate on the ones that are available to you. You work this system, you will have singles to date, and most likely, quite a few.
These are basic, simple strategy steps to take seriously. This will not only work on, but will work on any dating site that has active membership.
Thanks to Justin, from, the free, no fees, no donations, Jewish dating website; for sharing simple strategic ideas to improve results within the online dating scene.
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