Dr. Brent Moelleken is a Beverly Hills Surgeon and Founder of About Face Foundation

Dr. Brent Moelleken is a Beverly Hills surgeon who is also the founder of About Face Foundation. About Face Foundation is an organization which works to help victims of crime as well as children.
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Beverly Hills, CA (prHWY.com) March 12, 2011 - UNITED STATES, California (February 2011) - Dr. Brent Moelleken is a Beverly Hills surgeon who is also the founder of About Face Foundation. About Face Foundation is an organization which works to help victims of crime as well as children.

About Face Foundation was founded in 2006 by Beverly Hills surgeon, Dr. Brent Moelleken. This organization helps unfortunate people. These unfortunate people are individuals who have been hurt by some type of crime. Treatment for their injuries requires reconstruction surgery of some kind. Dr. Moelleken has treated patients who have been beaten so badly they require extensive plastic surgery work. These surgeries have included facial reconstructive surgery on facial bones as well as nose reconstruction.

The charitable foundation also services children from disadvantaged homes or communities. This Beverly Hills surgeon recognizes that disadvantaged children often need reconstructive surgery, but most families have no health insurance. Many surgeries performed on children relate to some type of birth defect or accident as a young child. Dr. Moelleken provides surgical procedures which help these young children look like many children their age. This is especially critical to today's youth as many children become frightened of people who do not look like them. For this reason, Dr. Brent Moelleken realizes the importance of helping these children live as normal a life as possible.

As a surgeon in Beverly Hills, Dr. Moelleken knows the costs associated with plastic surgery. Many of these crime victims and young children are on state assistance. However, state assistance rarely pays for reconstructive surgery. For this reason, Dr. Moelleken founded About Face Foundation. The surgical procedures completed by Dr. Moelleken are all free of charge for these unfortunate victims. All surgical fees are waived by Dr. Moelleken.

As a surgeon Dr. Moelleken knows a lot of people in the medical industry in Beverly Hills. This surgeon has managed to get other Beverly Hills medical personnel to help contribute to About Face Foundation. The foundation covers the costs of anesthesia and the hospital fees through donations. Donations are accepted from all over the country as this is a nonprofit organization. The donations received go to the foundation entirely.

Dr. Moelleken's goal as a surgeon in Beverly Hills is to provide high quality services to members of the community who are less fortunate than others. This foundation is very near to Dr. Moelleken's heart and a major priority in his professional life.

Dr. Brent
(310) - 273-1001

Tag Words: plastic surgeons, beverly hills
Categories: Medical

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