Price Comparisons for Cheap Skateboards

Ever wanted to compare the price of cheap skateboards from different brands and different manufacturers? Skate Board Bums releases new technology that guarantees you will get the best deal on all your skate gear!
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Albuquerque, NM ( September 3, 2012 - We have all seen them. It's those price comparison charts for everything from vacuum cleaners to bestselling books. Now, a site has started to follow this trend for cheap skateboards and gear. Skateboardbums added this new feature recently and the response has been fantastic.

"We have seen our sales grow and our visitors staying longer on our site as a result of this." Said Landon Slaughter, the owner of Skateboardbums. The best part is actually the return visits this has spawned. There seem to be plenty of visitors bookmarking this site to check on the daily deals and updates.

Cheap skateboards are easy to come by if you just take the time to look, however it's the continence of this site that makes it a success. With daily updates, this site delivers its visitors with the lowest prices across 30 to 40 retail merchants across the web, thus ensuring the lowest price for any given item related to skateboarding.

"This has been a long time coming." Said Landon. "Our traffic has been going up, but the conversions is exactly what we were lacking." This is often how it goes for web entrepreneurs. Brilliant ideas with the lack of strategy are often the norm. In this case, the brilliant idea was a coupon and discount site dedicated to skateboarders. The strategy has come from integrating a price comparison chart for each page of relevant content.

The next step is clear. Create hundreds of pages of content all surrounding the niche of skateboards and cheap skate gear. There are over 10 million kids in the USA alone who are in need of cheap skateboards every week. Now with the popularity of new skateboard shows being produced, these numbers are sure to grow with ease over the coming months.

"Our goal is to make Skateboardbums the first place skaters go online for discounted or sale skateboard gear. If we can deliver clothes and gear at 30 to 50 percent less than anywhere else, why wouldn't you check it out?" To see the new skateboard price comparison technology in action, visit

With a goal like this, it has raised some cautious eyebrows from skaters who enjoy supporting their local shops. Yes, getting a deal on cheap skateboards is good for some, but supporting a family owned local shop is ultimately better for the community.

In response to this, the owner of Skateboardbums assured us that he wants to leave no stone unturned when it comes to community involvement. Future plans are in place to reach out to local shops that are struggling. With a large enough marketing campaign and an ever-growing email list, Skateboardbums can help these struggling shops generate revenue. A few simple emails that feature these shops mailed out to a few thousand eager skateboarders will be sure to boost sales for any given shop.


Tag Words: cheap skateboards, cheap skateboard, skateboard deals
Categories: Coupons

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