I.M. Confidential Offers New Subscription-Based Online Community for Internet Marketers and Online Opportunity Seekers!

I.M. Confidential, a new online community for internet marketers and people who want to create their online business.
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Zagreb, Croatia (prHWY.com) August 28, 2012 - Tommy Miller, CEO,
M. Dubrava 36, 10000 Zagreb

I.M. Confidential, a new online community for internet marketers and people who want to create their online business, has today announced its launch.

The new site, located at www.theunderwearmillionaire.com, is primarily about providing its members with regularly updated content which includes high quality products and courses about all aspects of Internet marketing and online business, ebooks and reports, videos, webinars, group projects, community networking and much more.

"The interesting part about the new I.M. Confidential community is that members will be learning about all the important parts, aspects and methods of online business, Internet marketing and all types of marketing online, like email marketing, Facebook marketing, social networks and so on. We have prepared tons of quality content and products which is regularly updated, almost on a daily basis, especially if we count in our 'social networking' component, which actually makes I.M. Confidential an online community", said CEO Tommy Miller, an internet marketer with more than six years of experience in this field of business and the owner of more than 100 websites in various niches.

With its sights set on a target audience of Internet marketers and online business opportunity seekers, Miller said these are persons who would like to improve their knowledge and tactics, and learn more about online business and internet marketing, persons who would like to create and start their own profitable online business and learn how to make money online. The I.M. Confidential community is also completely suitable for people who already have their online business and websites, but would like to improve on them.

The aim is to help these persons save time and money for finding similar products, reports, courses and training sessions, and provide them with regularly updated content which will be helpful to them in their intentions to create a highly profitable online business.

"Besides the huge amount of quality products, like the ones for which other authors charge anything from $10 to $197, we are probably one of the first internet marketing programs with built in social networking and community aspect, at least on this level, which is what we believe will be the biggest benefit for our members. When we counted in all the content, projects and networking built in this community, we have realized that I.M. Confidential could be called 'the sexiest Internet marketing community' ever online" said Miller, whose mission is to provide people with valuable information about creating their online business and improving its profitability, and to help them find the right information about opportunities online, Internet marketing and subject of making money online.

"I'm pretty sure we all can witness a lot of information about this subject that's plain wrong, often pretty stupid and in most cases very misleading. That is why our intention is to help people to receive quality and valuable information for a price that's more than affordable and, in the same time, much lower than for any other similar training course available on the Internet. To be honest, besides a couple of similar membership sites, we believe our I.M. Confidential community is a category for itself in the internet marketing world" he added, referring to many false and dangerous 'get rich quick' schemes available online.

When he was asked about relation of I.M. Confidential community to available high priced coaching programs of established experts, Miller said "Please understand that I'm working with many experts in field of Internet marketing, and some of them are even authors of content provided inside the I.M. Confidential community, but my intention was to make this community available to everyone, and not just to handful of people who can afford to pay thousands of dollars for expert coaching."

Besides a lot of content included in I.M. Confidential community program, Miller also stated that they have integrated several other modules that will increase usability and results for its members, like 'points system' which will allow them to choose a Member of the month, projects module with various step-by-step projects that members can immediately undertake, and so called 'Confidential' blog where even more useful content will be presented to members. All that is available to public for a limited time and for a small monthly fee which will probably be increased soon, since Miller wants to keep this community as exclusive as possible.

For further information, please contact: Tommy Miller, CEO, 00385958737196, tm@theunderwearmillionaire.com, or visit http://www.theunderwearmillionaire.com/


Tag Words: internet marketers, confidential, online business
Categories: Internet

Press Release Contact
Tommy Miller CEO,
M. Dubrava 36, 10000 Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia

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