What is CBI?

CBI Leads Charlotte community in communication and open conversations. Founded in 1997, CBI is a nonprofit organization established by civic and government leaders.
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Charlotte, NC (prHWY.com) April 15, 2012 - The search for equality and acceptance is struggle as old as written history. The right to be treated as equals is a battle that has been fought by those of many races, religions, creeds and lifestyles. While things have improved drastically over the last 100 years alone, we as a country are a long ways off from being a perfect example of acceptance. It is because of this continued struggle that The Community Building Initiative of Charlotte was formed with the goal of "Intensifying the commitment and increasing the capacity of individuals and organizations to build a more inclusive and equitable community."

Founded in 1997, CBI is a nonprofit organization established by civic and government leaders. Their focused attention is to achieve inclusion and equity regardless of ethnic, racial, gender, religion, sexual orientation and economic status in the Charlotte area. Through community conversations, open forums, and leadership programs, CBI is dedicated to giving everyone a voice and building strong progressive communities.

Their website can be used as a resource for communities around the U.S. and the world. Also available are examples of CBI's work, updates on current projects, models and resources that have been identified as crucial to success, as well as contact information and links to related sites.

So do your part, donate, attend open forums, become a positive leader in your community, and pay a visit to the CBI website for more information. A better world is possible, and CBI is doing their part one community at a time. CBI is Currently Partnering with CGR Creative in creating community awareness of their goals, activity and Charlotte area events and forums.

http://www.communitybuildinginitiative.org - CBI is a nonprofit organization established by civic and government leaders.

Contact Info:
Community Building Initiative
220 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
Phone 704.333.2595
Fax 704.707.4341
E-mail: denglish@communitybuildinginitiative.org
Website: http://www.communitybuildinginitiative.org

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Tag Words: government, organization, civic, lifestyles, races, cbi
Categories: Human Resources

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