Race? Are we so different?
The Charlotte Community Building Initiative CBI at communitybuildinginitiative.org is a leader in the Charlotte communication at opening the avenues of communication to improve our region.

RACE Exchanges were made possible through a grant from Crossroads Charlotte and were supported and coordinated by Community Building Initiative (CBI).
"RACE: Are We So Different?" helped visitors of all ages to better understand the origins and impact of race and racism in everyday life. RACE Exchanges, designed by OZS Consulting, allowed participants to share their personal reactions to the exhibition as well as to reflect on their own life experiences. CBI and OZS Consulting recruited and trained the team of nineteen facilitators who guided the dialogues: Brenda Anderson, Jimmy Atkins, Tim Cable, June Carter, Marlene Cox, Colleen Damon, Arissa El-Amin, Will Fairley, Rose Hamid, Denis Hayes, Joan Hope, Ledger Morrissette, Jr., Jay Norvell, Mary Peed Williams, Claudia Pureco, Willie Ratchford, Anne VanNewkirk, Deborah Walker and Phin Xaypangna.
The original goal for RACE Exchanges was to recruit and host 75 groups. The incredible reaction to this opportunity is proof of the power of the exhibit and the quality of the outreach and support from Discovery Place and CBI. "I've witnessed a great diversity of groups and people participating in RACE Exchanges and have been amazed by the desire in our community for experiences such as this - from the number of groups pursuing this opportunity, to the fantastic contribution of a group of talented facilitators. I believe our Charlotte is ready to continue this meaningful dialogue," says Ana Lucia Divins, who was engaged by CBI to coor¬dinate the project and work with Discovery Place to assure a positive experience for groups, individuals and facilitators.
RACE is a project of American Anthropological Association, funded by Ford Foundation and National Science Foundation.
For a virtual tour of the "RACE: Are We So Different?" exhibition and additional information, go to www.understandingrace.org. To learn more about how you could create dialogue opportunities to compliment a community activity or experience, contact
Christi Lee at CBI (704-333-2595)
Charlotte Community Building Initiative
Community Building Initiative (CBI) is a nonprofit organization established in 1997 by government and civic leaders to achieve racial and ethnic inclusion and equity in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community.
Contact Info:
220 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
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Categories: Human Resources