MarketHATCH Rebates offers cost effective turnkey coupon and rebate patient acquisition programs

MarketHATCH Patient Acquisition Programs benefit patients, providers,pharmacists and manufacturers. Our coupon and rebate programs are cost effective, easily implemented and impacted. We always have our focus on agreat patient experience.
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Akron, OH ( October 21, 2010 - MarketHATCH specializes in turnkey coupon and rebate patient acquisition programs materials. With a 15 year track record of success, MarketHATCH assists manufacturers effectively growing patient acquisition. MarketHATCH is the parent company of JG Pads, a pharmaceutical sales support company that has served the needs of medical practices throughout the United States since 1993.

"MarketHATCH Patient Acquisition Programs benefit patients, providers, pharmacists and manufacturers. Our coupon and rebate programs are cost effective, easily implemented and impacted. We always have our focus on a great patient experience. MarketHATCH has equipped itself to respond quickly and efficiently to the needs of all of our pharmaceutical customers. Our intimate, detail-oriented approach has allowed us to maintain our individual customer focus and thrive in the marketplace" says Paul Joyce.

Patient acquisition programs motivate patients to become active participants in the healthcare process. MarketHATCH rebates increase Patient Acquisition through Mail-In Programs, Electronic Adjudication Programs, Pharmacy Check Program and Web-Based coupon and rebate pharmaceutical Programs. Following are the details:

1. A Mail-In Program requires patients to include a dated sales receipt and proof of purchase from the product container with their rebate submission, fill out a rebate coupon/form and mail it to a rebate processing center. The rebate processing center enters the necessary information from the rebate submission into the recordkeeping system, sends a check to the patient and transmits allowable collected data to the manufacturer.

2. The Electronic Adjudicated Rebate Program provides patients with a numbered discount card that can be submitted to the pharmacist to cover a portion of a medication cost. Cards can be distributed to patients directly or through a network of providers. The patient presents the adjudication card to the pharmacist along with the original prescription. The pharmacist processes the manufacturer's card much like a traditional insurance card claim, and the manufacturer agrees to pay a predetermined portion of the product price. The patient receives the treatment at a discounted rate, and the pharmacy is reimbursed by the pharmaceutical manufacturer. Finally, important transaction information is transmitted back for analysis.

3. The Pharmacy Check Program provides patients with a valuable check that can be used like a coupon at any pharmacy at the point of purchase. Checks can be distributed through a network of providers or directly to consumers. Patients fill out the information requested on the reverse side of the check prior to transaction. The information is then transmitted to the manufacturer when the check is processed. Checks are only valid toward the purchase of the specific brand identified on the coupon and are only redeemable by the pharmacy where the product was purchased.

4. Web-Based Programs require patients to visit a website and enter profile information about themselves. Upon completion of this step, patients may print off a confirmation page from the website, which then accompanies their rebate submission. The rebate submission is sent to the rebate processing center much like a traditional rebate; however, the data entered on the website provides the pharmaceutical manufacturer with valuable demographic information about patients and the marketplace for their products.

For nearly 17 years, MarketHATCH has worked closely with the pharmaceutical industry to help manufacturer's growth and maintain their patient bases. MarketHATCH programs have helped our customers reach and acquire millions of patients nationwide. For more details visit

Call to get your program started today! 800-858-9395


Tag Words: patient rebate, patient coupon, markethatch
Categories: Medical

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