pzizz Announces Summer Madness Sale For Their "Better Sleep" and "Boost Energy" Apps

Following their phenomenally successful app giveaway, pzizz Technology Ltd. has slashed the price of its two apps, "pzizz energizer" and "pzizz sleep" available at the iTunes store.
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St Juilans, Malta (prHWY.com) August 20, 2010 - St Julians, Malta - 16th August 2010 - Fresh on the heels of their phenomenally successful app giveaway, pzizz Technology Ltd. has slashed the price of its two apps, "pzizz energizer" and "pzizz sleep" available at the iTunes store.

The pzizz apps, normally $9.99, which boost energy, reduce stress and solve sleep problems, were already bestsellers on iTunes when CEO Edward Laing decided to make them available to even more people all over the world - by offering them for free for a limited time.

The offer sparked an unprecedented rush, with nearly one million dollars worth of pzizz apps being downloaded in four days time.

While pzizz Technology Ltd. can't continue to give away all of their products free forever, the success of the four day giveaway inspired CEO Edward Laing to offer a Summer Madness sale for the next four weeks, in which the pzizz apps are available for download at a price that anyone can afford.

"I realized how many people were absolutely desperate for stress relief, more energy and a better night's sleep, and I want to make sure that our technology is available to as many people as possible," Laing said.

For the first week of the Summer Madness Sale, the relaxation and sleep apps will be available for download for just .99 cents each, with the price increasing by a dollar every week after that.

pzizz, which already had more than 65,000 customers from 108 countries around the world, uses neuro-linguistic programming, music, sound effects and binaural beats.

"What makes pzizz so effective is that it creates a unique session every time that it's used, and you can choose how long you want the session to last. Other relaxation and sleep apps basically play a fixed-length MP3 file over and over again, but pzizz's patented technology generates a slightly different soundtrack each time you press 'play', to fit the time you select. There are literally more than 100 billion soundtrack combinations available, and you can adjust the settings to suit you," Laing explains.

Those seeking more information may visit http://www.pzizz.com/madness

The pzizz energizer app is available on the iTunes Store : http://itunes.com/app/pzizzenergizer

The pzizz sleep app is available on the iTunes Store : http://itunes.com/app/pzizzsleep


Tag Words: better sleep, stress relief, insomnia, trouble sleeping
Categories: Health

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