Cynthia S. Cooper, MD named president-elect of NH Medical Society.

Cynthia S. Cooper, MD of Gynecology and Infertility Associates has been named president-elect of the New Hampshire Medical Society for 2011 and will take on the president's role in 2012.
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Dover, NH ( June 20, 2011 - June 14, 2011 - Dover, NH- Cynthia S. Cooper, MD of Gynecology and Infertility Associates has been named president-elect of the New Hampshire Medical Society for 2011 and will take on the president's role in 2012. With more than 2,000 physicians statewide, the society forms the largest physician membership in New Hampshire.

"I'm thrilled and honored to be named president-elect of the society and am looking forward to fulfilling my role," said Dr. Cooper, who has been a member of the society for 26 years.

The New Hampshire Medical Society is the largest physician membership organization in the state. In addition to providing resources and information to physicians, the Society advocates for patient issues and takes up legislative matters relating to healthcare in New Hampshire.

Located across from Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, Gynecology and Infertility Associates is dedicated to the health and wellness of their patients. Cynthia S. Cooper, MD and Anne H. Kalter, MD are board certified and specialize in the practice of urinary incontinence, infertility and gynecology in Dover. They practice with Diane Knight, APRN.

For more information, call Gynecology and Infertility Associates at (603) 749-4963, or visit


Tag Words: birth control, menopause, hysterectomy, endometriosis, menstruation, gynecology
Categories: Medical

Press Release Contact
Contact: Jane Angus
Company: Gynecology and Infertility Associates
Address: 15 Old Rollinsford Road, Suite 102, Dover, NH 03820
Contact Number: 603-749-4963
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