Pastor Keion D. Henderson of the Lighthouse Church in Houston, Texas Along With Promotions Company, GoodLife Entertainment, Collaborated To Give Turkeys to Deserving Families
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Houston, TX (prHWY.com) November 26, 2013 - This past Sunday, Nov. 24th, founder and senior pastor of The LightHouse Church in Houston, Keion D. Henderson, joined forces with GoodLife Entertainment, a popular promotions company to bless those less fortunate and in need of provisions; right in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. The event took place at 12:00 p.m. following the second service at 14000 Weckford Blvd. in the auditorium of mega church, The LightHouse.

Averaging over 2,000 members in the last four years, The LightHouse Church is one of the faster growing churches in the Houston area. Aside from delivering the word of God and having a "right on time" approach to preaching just what his congregation needs to hear, Pastor Henderson is known for his charisma, missions and undeviating sermons. This November, Pastor Henderson launched his "Give Thanks by Doing More" campaign and kicked it off with the Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway.

Families who needed the additional assistance were given the opportunity to collect a turkey out of 100 turkeys available. The crowd of people consisted of church members and individuals in the community who heard about the giveaway through various social media postings. Pastor Keion also used the opportunity to share his "Give Thanks by Doing More" campaign and urged the congregation to join him in service.

"The concept is simple: give thanks by giving back. Saying a simple thank you at a Thanksgiving dinner isn't enough of an acknowledgement of our blessings. We need to be doing more," said Pastor Henderson. "This campaign isn't only a challenge for my parishioners. In fact, it is a nationwide challenge. Give up the football game or the shopping spree this Thanksgiving. Instead, donate that time!"

Pastor Henderson was recently nominated as a Community Hero with distinguished Houston publication, D-Mars Business Journal and is also nominated as a leader with the John C. Maxwell Awards. He is inviting the public to visit The Lighthouse Church and/or submit an interview request on any of today's questionable "hot button" topics, including stem cell research and abortion. Pastor Henderson can be reached directly at @PastorKeion on Twitter & Instagram. For more information on The Lighthouse Church, visit www.http://the-lighthouse-church.org.


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Rabiat Saraki

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