COLT 1.2 is out -- livecoding tool with JavaScript support
The world's first tool for real-time monitoring and debugging JavaScript apps with support for popular libraries: jQuery, node.js etc
COLT's unique features include:
* Livecoding of anonymous functions without any limitations of where the function is defined, whether it's nested inside another function or not.
* Support of jQuery, node.js and other popular libraries.
* Fail-safe execution of infinite loops or recursions.
That's what JavaScript development tools market has not seen before.
Moreover, features familiar to the JavaScript developers are also implemented in COLT. For instance, Live Reload: a page opened in browser is reloaded when the HTML, CSS, images, etc are modified.
COLT also bundles jQuery plugin allowing to handle the pages parts update events without reloading.
Categories: Software
Press Release Contact
General press contact:
Vladimir Nikishin
30 XX Str.
Petrovac na Moru, 85300
+382 67 784263
General press contact:
Vladimir Nikishin
30 XX Str.
Petrovac na Moru, 85300
+382 67 784263