Tips For Driving Safe at Night By
The task of driving, be it any type of land vehicle, is one that requires a great number of skills like concentration, coordination and adapting to the different conditions. Driving at night, in particular, is fraught with danger due to conditions li

Most young drivers get involved in late night accidents because of their carelessness like not using seat belts and the tendency to racie with friends on highways, as well as the growingtrend of consuming alcohol and driving in an inebriated state.
A driver should be aware of the laws as the person driving is bound to the rules of the road such as vehicle registration,vehicle safety inspection, car insurance and driving liscense. Some driving skills can be adopted for smart and safe driving such as perfect setting of the gear, application of skid control, use of proper steering and braking techniques, proper hand placement and seating position, etc. The headlights also play an important role and they should be turned on as soon as daylight fades so that the driver can see well in the dark and other road users can be aware and alert of the car. Once evening comes, interior lights of the car should be turned off with the dashboard dimmer switch turned on. The head lights and windscreen should be adjusted properly and cleaned regularly so that the road is clearly visible.
Some of the basic rules of driving are as follows -
* Safety measure should be taken while driving at night.
* Speed limit should be adhered to and should not exceed 40 km/hr.
* Headlights should be aligned to the correct position.
* The eyes and the mind should be alert and relaxed while driving. Concentration is the key to good driving.
* Various tricks should be adopted for smart driving.
* Interior Lights should be switched off.
* Before taking the car to the road in dark, proper working of exterior lights and brakes should be examined thoroughly.
* To get rid of visioning problem, a pair of glasses of bright orange or yellow coloured lenses can be adopted which can prevent accident caused due to visioning.
* One should not drive continuously over long distances to avoid accidents due to sleepiness or fatigue. Smoking and using cell phones are major distractions and should be avoided while driving.
* It is important to avoid looking directly at bright headlights of other cars to prevent accidents.
Driving at night can be a thrilling experience if a person drives safely, sensibly, wisely and rationally.
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