Industrial Touch Screen Monitors Becoming More of a Norm for Integrators

As technology advances with each passing day, so has become the growing need for Human Machine Interface applications. More integrators are using industrial touch screen monitors for projects.
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Fremont, CA ( March 25, 2013 - Sometimes certain applications like POS systems, industrial machines, control panels, Kiosks, ATM machines or Digital Signage applications might require a touch screen open frame monitor, better known as a Touch Screen Monitor. It is important to understand the benefits of using a chassis mount open frame monitor over the standard consumer grade desktop monitor. While sometimes using a consumer grade desktop monitor may seem like the more cost efficient solution in the short run, overall it can be more costly for integrators and OEMs in the long run. Many consumer grade monitors are constantly having mechanical redesigns every 6 months or so, while Caltron's open frame monitors will not have a design change throughout the lifetime of the unit.

When designing a unit into an enclosure or industrial machine, whether it is an open frame monitor or industrial touch screen monitor, nobody wants to have to worry about having to redesign a whole entire enclosure, especially if it is mass produced and all enclosures have to be corrected to replace a damaged monitor. This leads to the next problem of having failing internal components, in general, most, if not all consumer grade monitors have to be replaced when one component fails, whereas if a Caltron open frame monitor component gets damaged, that one part can be easily replaced or repaired without the need to purchase a new unit every instance a component fails.

Growing trend of HMI applications
Not only are Industrial Touch Screen Monitors used nationally in the United States, but they are becoming more prominent internationally, in other countries, as designers try to create sleek new displays that can be easily embedded into any solution. Human Machine Interface or HMI applications are becoming more of the norm in everyday life as technology rapidly progresses. Let's use Caltron's HBT-1212OTEAR, 12.1 Inch Resistive Touch Screen High Bright LED Open Frame Monitor as an example. Integrators are constantly working with consumers and developers to design the perfect application that will not only captivate new audiences, but create a big enough stir to invigorate and keep audiences returning with interactive solutions that will always amaze or create environment that can be much more user friendly for workers and create a much more efficient working environment. A 12.1 Inch High Bright Monitor can accommodate the needs of both indoor and outdoor applications. As technology advances, Human Machine Interface or HMI will become more prominent in the daily lives of people, just like how cell phones have become a very essential part of people's daily lives.

For more information on how to acquire an industrial touch screen monitor for testing, please contact a Caltron sales representative at 510-440-1800 or by email:


Tag Words: industrial touch screen, touch screen monitor
Categories: Business

Press Release Contact
Stanley Phan
Caltron Industries, Inc.
4120 Clipper Court
Fremont CA 94538 USA

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