Website Design Company Zeald Moves Operations To Hibiscus Coast New Zealand

The expanding team at New Zealand's leading website design and development company, Zeald, have relocated To The Hibiscus Coast.
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Auckland, New Zealand ( March 8, 2013 - Auckland, New Zealand - Leading website development firm Zeald, has moved its operations team to 50 Centreway Drive, Orewa. The firm's move comes as no surprise given its meteoric rise in the web development industry. The 60-plus member operations team now occupies the entire first floor of the Tasman Building, a modern facility surrounded by trees, winding walkways, and lusciously green local parks.

Regarding the move, Chief Executive David Kelly stated, "The Zeald staff have enjoyed the location. The new office space provides much needed infrastructure as well as an outstanding atmosphere in which to do their website design and development work. What employee wouldn't love a stroll on the beach during lunchtime? The new location has taken an already high-performing team to a new level."

Clients can expect no interruption in service, web design or website hosting. The Zeald sales team remains in the Tawa Drive office park on Auckland's North Shore, easily accessed from the Greville Road off-ramp. Zeald continues to hold the majority of their client meetings at this location.

"The move of our operations team to a new location is the culmination of the hard work, effort and results our employees strive to achieve each day. I couldn't be more proud," Said Kelly.

About Zeald
Founded in 2000 by brothers David and Brent Kelly along with cousin Hamish Braddick, Zeald has developed over 3,000 websites for an international client base. The firm currently develops two websites per day, with growth being driven by a strong network of eBusiness Consultants that utilize a one-on-one approach to website development and marketing solutions.

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Tag Words: internet, website designer, website, web design
Categories: Internet

Press Release Contact
Name: Evan Cooper
Organization: Zeald
Phone: +64 508 932 748
Address: 42 Tawa Dr, Albany, Auckland 0632 New Zealand

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