Overview on global end-to-end M2M market and industry strategies
This report provides key data and information about Machine to Machine (M2M) communications. It also provides information about various M2M technologies, the most important applications of M2M, explanation for usage of M2M.

By using this technology, there is a significant change from the traditional telephony and IT operations to enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), public safety, homeland security etc.
Report Coverage
This report provides useful information about better understanding of the M2M technology, their applications and also about the business and regulatory issues. It also provides key data on technologies, applications, usage and the challenges involved in deploying M2M communication systems.
The report is written by industry experts who are well versed in designing, implementing and operating various M2M applications.
The report also includes in-depth information about various key topics related to M2M communications such as analysis of M2M in the cloud, global M2M solutions market analysis, global M2M market forecasts through 2020, analysis of many current and emerging M2M applications across various industry verticals and M2M strategies for mobile network operators including AT&T, China Mobile, KPN, SingTel, Sprint, Telefonica, Verizon, and Vodafone etc.
This report also covers important information and key data on various global companies in M2M market such as Aether Wire, Cadi Scientific, Datasweep, Echelon, FleetBoss Telematics, Geotab, Hitachi Communication Technologies, IBM and many more.
This report is specifically useful for mobile network operators, systems integration companies, enterprise companies of all types, investment and M&A companies of all types and M2M equipment and service providers of all types.
Purchasers of this report at the Global License (PDF) level will also receive the report Strategic Alliances in the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Ecosystem at no additional cost.
Inquire about this report: End-to-End M2M, Sixth Edition
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Tag Words:
marketing, business, research report, machine to machine, telecom, m2m, end to end, sixth edition
Categories: Telecommunications
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