Cigniti Smart Tools - Analyze - Automate - Accelerate

Cigniti Smart Tools analyze, automate and accelerate QA efforts and ensure healthy ROI with improved resource and infrastructure utilization. These tools enrich business outcomes with speed, skill and accuracy and can be deployed across verticals.
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Hyderabad, India ( February 20, 2013 - Over the last decade, there has been a lot of transformation in the philosophy of testing as a whole new breed of tools has invaded the testing community. However, conventional tools still do not address gaps that are not big enough yet cannot be ignored. In addition to the gaps, we understand your requirements are unique but market tools provide generic solutions which need a lot of customization. Cigniti has built a set of tools to address these needs, gaps and challenges.

With over a decade of experience serving Fortune 500 companies, Cigniti has witnessed several redundancies and inefficiencies in test life cycle. Cigniti translated its experience & expertise into tools, point solutions and frameworks to jump start QA efforts & realize quicker ROI. Cigniti Smart Tools are cloud enabled with Pay As you Go Model service options.

Static Requirements Analyzer

Ensure early defect detection - Ensure cost reduction

Industry statistics indicate that over "20%" of software defects are due to ambiguous requirements that are not identified early in the software life cycle
Cigniti Static Requirements Analyzer aims to identify poor quality requirements and reduce defect leakage to subsequent phases. This framework is simple yet powerful in validating requirements and eliciting non-functional requirements thereby improving overall testability. The tool supports multiple life cycle models (Agile, Waterfall, Hybrid) and integrates evolving requirements.

Static Requirement Analyzer helps improve Clarity, Completeness, Consistency and Testability of requirements. Cigniti has deployed this framework across several engagements improving early defect detection. The results from the initial pilot of Static Requirements Analyzer have encouraged CIOs to make it an organization wide initiative.


Tag Words: ip led software testing, testing tools, smart tools, quality assurance, cigniti, software testing, testing, service
Categories: Software

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