Friendly Mobile Apps Developer SWAN Software Launches New Android App for Mobile Devices with Many Functions

SWAN Software has recently launched a new Android app, "CLEANUP" that not only cleans up extra and unwanted data but also improves mobile device's battery life, performance; increase mobile's memory size and helps to enjoy crystal clear music.
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NYC, NY ( February 13, 2013 - SWAN Software recently launched a new Android based CleanUp App that is a "must have" app for android users. Android phones' Best Clean Tool, is a cleaner app which provides not only comprehensive cleaning methods to clean cache, residual files but app packages also by erasing history inside android platform. Easy and effective, it also kills running tasks and releases RAM to boost your mobile device and save the battery's life where after the mobile device is effectively optimized making it run more efficiently.

CleanUp App is equipped with different useful tools that perform a variety of functions. One of which is the Software CleanUp. Today in the mobile apps market, one finds many Apps. However, if one tries to uninstall any of those apps, one finds to their frustration that there are still extra data that stay on the mobile. This not only takes up a lot of space; making the available space even smaller, but insist on frequent updation. SWAN Software's Android based Software CleanUp App is just the solution to put a stop to it. This mobile is instrumental in cleaning up & save those extra spaces on a phone memory.

This CleanUp App also boasts of another important tool; Sound CleanUp, a first of a kind 'Speaker Cleaning Algorithm'. This tool is comes very much in handy when the mobile devices' speakers are either not working well or dust has settled in and around the speaker. This tool's specific sound files when played at High Phase Shift will push out the dust surrounding the mobile's speaker without harming one's ears with high decibel special instruments sound.

In addition to the above tools, this CleanUp App helps protect the privacy of its user by providing a history eraser function. Often, a user's history includes privacy history, application cache files, private data of web browser, IM, passwords, Application Cache Files etc. This CleanUp App through it history eraser function erases all the data thereby not letting others know of our uses and purposes.

For more information, please visit


Tag Words: latest android app, android app, android cleanup, cleanup app
Categories: Mobile

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