New Report Says Cardiac Event Monitors Markets will Reach $862 Million By 2018

Market Research Reports, Inc. announces that it has added new study Cardiac Event Ambulatory Monitors and Recorders: Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2013 to 2018 in their database.
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Lewes, DE ( February 9, 2013 - Worldwide markets are poised to achieve significant growth as event recorders find ways to support lowering the cost of care delivery by supporting shorter hospital stays and more home based services.

New markets in clinical diagnoses and clinical studies are emerging as prices decrease and technology creates more advanced devices. . Smart phones include the technology to implement a core device used for m-health implementations. Unit functions are being extended from direct arrhythmia symptom analysis to sleep studies and clinical drug efficacy studies creating significant growth opportunity.

According to lead analyst of the report, "Shortness of breath is a common symptom of cardiac disease. It is frequently misdiagnosed as a respiratory symptom or ignored by patients and is not even considered a cardiac symptom when the clinician is making a diagnosis. Cardiac event ambulatory monitors can detect arrhythmias and get people to treatment faster before it is too late to correct congestive heart failure."

Early treatment is essential and the technology is a vital aid in providing that treatment. Hospitals and clinicians will have increased access to devices as insurers realize the value of detecting and treating cardiac disease early. Sleep studies and clinical drug efficacy study opportunities are creating significant growth opportunity.

Cardiac Event Recording and monitors are evolving as a services industry. Patients do not pay directly for units, they are provided by a clinician and the clinician is reimbursed by CMS in the US as a fee for service. In this manner the vendors participate in the services market. The cardiac event recording services industry is fragmented and characterized by a large number of smaller regional hospital and home care service providers.

Consideration of Cardiac Event Recorder Market Forecasts indicates that markets at $197.8 million in 2012 will reach $862.7 million by 2018. Growth comes as more emphasis is put on early diagnosis and prevention of disease. Heart failure patients participating in home based programs get called back from nurse within 20 minutes of transmitting readings. This is similar to the response time available in a hospital and positions products in the large and growing telemedicine market space.
For a patient that has arrhythmia and a device detects symptoms, there is the ability to take life saving action. Quick response brings the matter to the attention of the clinician often without patient involvement, helping better serve the patient. Advice can be rendered as to how and why weight fluctuation is a issue and how control of disease is based on lifestyle and diet. Rapid weight gain can indicate fluid retention and a worsening of cardiac function.

This study illustrates the cardiac event recording market driving forces and provides the market shares and consideration of market size and number of recorders prescribed or used. It describes monitoring services used and services provided to subscribers, reimbursement by insurance carriers. The principal competitive factors that impact the success of cardiac monitoring solutions are addressed in the comprehensive market study.

Inquire about this report: Cardiac Event Ambulatory Monitors and Recorders: Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2013 to 2018

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Tag Words: market shares, 2013 to 2018, forecast, strategies, monitors and recorders, cardiac event ambulatory
Categories: Business

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