Make Money Online With Affiliate Programs - 8 Easy Steps -
Make Money Online With Affiliate Programs - 8 Easy Steps -
Making money online with affiliate programs is by far the easiest way to make money on the internet. You don't need to have a website, although you can. You don't need a product either. All you need is to sign up to the affiliate programs of your choice and promote someone else's product through your affiliate link.
Here is how you make money online with affiliate programs:
1. Find a product that you like. Go to Clickbank and find a product that is already selling. The top products in the search results are the ones that are selling the most. You have to register at Clickbank in order to get your affiliate link. This is the link that you will use to promote the product.
2. Find keywords for your product. These are the words that you are going to use in your article to promote your product. So you have to choose keywords that relate to your product. You can use the free Google keyword tool. Try to pick a keyword or keywords that have at least 1000 monthly searches and low competition.
3. Write an article using the keyword of your choice. Make sure to include the keyword in the title of the article, the first paragraph and the last paragraph. You may sprinkle it throughout the article as well.
4. At the end of the article have a call to action to guide the reader to your link. This link is your affiliate link, which will take them to the salespage of the product you are promoting. If they buy the product through your affiliate link, you make a commission.
5. Distribute your article. Post your article in article directories, such as EzineArticles, GoArticles, Searchwrap. Also post your article on social bookmarking sites such as Delicious, Digg and Reddit. You should also distribute your articles to ezines, which are membership newsletters online. You want as much distribution as possible to get exposure to your article.
6. Get a WordPress blog. Get a domain name that includes the keyword(s) you are targeting for your product. Post your article on your blog. Keep writing articles with your targeted keywords and posting them on your blog. Google loves WordPress blogs, and you will have a good chance to get indexed and ranked with your blog.
7. Create backlinks for your articles. Backlinks are links that point back to your articles and your blog. Visit other blogs and make comments on their articles and leave a link back to your articles, without spamming. This will create more popularity for your blog, which is what the search engines are interested in. The more popular your blog becomes, the more exposure your articles will get, and the better chances of selling your product.
8. Create different blogs for other niches/products that you find of interest. Remember, the more targeted the blog, the better. Don't mix different topics on your blog, or Google will not know what it is about and will have a hard time indexing it.
If you follow this simple method you will have thousands of targeted articles on the internet within a few months and will be making money online with affiliate programs that you choose. It is my favorite way of online marketing, and produces great results.
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