Make Money Online With Affiliate Programs -
Make Money Online With Affiliate Programs -
Learn how to make money online with affiliate programs. The affiliate program revolutionized the home based business industry. Prior to the introduction of affiliate programs if you wanted to make money from the sale of a product that was already on the market you had to jump through a lot of legal hoops. Now, you just do a search online for the products that interest you, go to their main product WebPages and if they have an affiliate program you will see a link on their main website that probably says "affiliates". If you click the link you can get details on their affiliate program. You can also go to an affiliate program directory that lists affiliate programs for just about anything. One of the best is affiliate programs. This service has been online since the late 90's and lists just about every legitimate program you can find. It is very reputable and only lists affiliate programs that pay.
Some companies are very generous in their commission structures and others are not. However, you have to look at the average price of the product you are selling. If the product you are selling costs $500 and you are making a 5% commission then you can make some good money. However, selling larger ticket items can be more challenging. For example, I am an affiliate with Musiciansfriend and they pay between 5% and 10%. However, the average sale is around $200. So I make $15 to $20 per sale. Sometimes I get a buyer paying $500 or more. You see making money online with affiliate programs can be very lucrative.
I am an affiliate for many other programs and I make $20 here and $100 there depending on the product. The key here is if you build one successful affiliate program campaign you add another and then another. Before long you are making $500 in three or four programs and the money is flowing like a stream. The goal is to work 10+ profitable affiliate programs so you are making $100,000 a year with minimal effort. Once these campaigns take off they are hard to stop. You could make money from one effective campaign for years with little to no effort.
Once you join an affiliate program the best method to make money online with affiliate programs is with review websites. On this website you compare two or three similar products which you are an affiliate for. For example let's say you are promoting "Dog Training Videos". There quite a few affiliate programs for these products; however, they are not all created equal. One has to be better. One has to offer more benefits than the others or is priced less? Get the picture. Also, you can review these products without buying them. All you do is review the products through their main websites. You review features, benefits and pricing. Basically, you are doing the ground work for the buyer. You are saving them time. You can quickly lay out the differences, your opinions and recommendations on your review website. You commission is your payment.
With your review website you are now educating your customer not selling. You are offering advice, non-partial opinions, hopefully helping them make the best choice. Buyers love this. Just don't load a site full of affiliate products and recommend them all or just the one that pays you the most commission. The buyers will figure this out and run. I actually operate one review site where I recommend the least expensive product and I make the lowest commission. The buyers appreciate this because it really is the better product.
Building a review website can be challenging but there are services out there that offer the website scripts for a very low cost. All you do is add some basic information and Wham! Now, you have your own review website. There are also membership sites that build them for you. All you do is add your affiliate information and you are in business. The days of building your own websites are fast becoming a memory. If you are resourceful and know where to look you can find just about everything you need through low-cost services. Let the techies do the hard work. All you want to do is advertise your website and make money.
If you want to make money online with affiliate programs you have to do your homework. You need to study what the pro's are doing and you need to be on the cutting edge so you know what's hot and what's not. The Internet year is three months. Things change fast. One month this advertising program works and the next it's dead. Becoming a student of Internet marketing is a requirement not an option.
Tracy Mullins is a successful online marketer who lives in Denver Colorado with his family. Tracy has a wide range of business experience both online and off. He enjoys helping others learn how to make extra money online. You can read more about him at his website:
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